Individual Budgeting and Billing

Save your valuable time with our 100% HIPAA compliant electronic billing.


Our individual budgeting and billing system will help your team build budgets to provide the individuals and their families with more choice and flexibility. You can now generate and edit batches with a search option for providers, payers, programs, service types, and more. The real-time updates will keep you well-equipped with your organization’s financial status, which will enable you to take all your decisions in real-time with accuracy and up-to-date on hand.

The software equips you for primary care billing also thus proving to be diverse and dynamic. Our system for billing solutions will make your processes more efficient through the following –


  • Establishing a budget for allocation of services and funding
  • Allowing the stakeholders to track authorization as against the consumption of budget
  • Making the most of our comprehensive reporting suite
  • Configuring workflows to permit submission, review, and approval
  • Providing for electronic submission of Medicare, Medicaid, and third-party services
  • Ensuring real-time eligibility
  • Tracking for timely submission of claims
  • Handling payer profiles for contact tracking of the payer and related correspondence
  • Reconciling payments with services automatically or manually


The whole idea behind our efficient billing and budgeting is that you spend more time caring for patients than looking after your paperwork.

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